Presentation & Workshop

Junior Design Research Conference 2018 in HEAD Geneva

I participated in the Junior Design Research Conference in HEAD Geneva in November 2018.

presentation & workshop

I presented my research and showed only 2 findings I had presented in Colloquium I in order to attract the attendees to join my workshop. The presentation was followed by a workshop

Workshop Instructions

Part I
As a group
a) Using post-its assign keywords to each photo according to the affect(s) they give.
b) Describe the affect(s) of 1 photo and define what elements might be responsible for this or these affects.

Part II
As a group
a) Compare IS photo(s) of your choice to other non-jihadi photographs by association of affects or content or scenery or style, etc… And explain reason(s) of comparison.
As a group or individually
b) Which kind of photos do not have any affect on you (if there is any)? And why?
c) Which visual elements do not align with the visual elements of the remaining photographs that do have an affect on you?

Part III
Presentation of more findings

Self-Evaluation of Workshop

When I planned the workshop, my plan was to take them as a focus group and see what affects these portraits have on participants. But having given them 2 findings prior to the workshop and had explained my research in the presentation, and the fact that they were all designers made me realize that they could not be taken as a focus group.

To see the documents

Maria Mahdessian JRC Presentation
Maria Mahdessian_Workshop plan
Maria Mahdessian_Workshop_presentation

© Copyright 2019 Maria Mahdessian